Rogue Trader: Wll there be a Special Super Secret Ending again? - SarkariResult

News: Explore the depths of the Warhammer 40,000 universe in the captivating game Rogue Trader. Navigate through a web of critical decisions and specific paths to unveil an exclusive ending. This comprehensive guide offers step-by-step instructions to unlock hidden or secret endings, empowering players to craft their individual narrative and encounter distinct conclusions in the

Unlocking the Hidden Outcomes in Rogue Trader: A Secret Ending Guide

News: Explore the depths of the Warhammer 40,000 universe in the captivating game Rogue Trader. Navigate through a web of critical decisions and specific paths to unveil an exclusive ending. This comprehensive guide offers step-by-step instructions to unlock hidden or secret endings, empowering players to craft their individual narrative and encounter distinct conclusions in the game.

The Secret Ending

In Rogue Trader, the clandestine conclusion is intricately tied to the player’s decisions, especially their chosen morality path. Players have the option to follow the Dogmatic, Iconoclast, or Heretical path, each unfolding diverse outcomes and branching storylines. Through these in-game choices, players wield the power to mold the narrative and unveil the hidden conclusion.

Steps to Unlock the Secret Ending

To unlock the secret endings in Rogue Trader, players must carefully follow a series of steps throughout the game:

1. Conviction Choice (Act 1): In the first act, players must make a pivotal decision by choosing one of the three morality paths: Dogmatic, Iconoclast, or Heretical.

2. Data Collection (Act 2): Towards the end of Act 1, players should hack the Cogitator, gathering crucial data on Kiava Gamma and Dargonus. Utilizing the acquired gear from Kiava Gamma at the Cogitator terminal and finding data on Dargonus in the Rogue Trader’s private quarters are essential.

3. Completing Quests and Interactions (Act 2 and 4): Stay committed to the chosen conviction path, finish the Defective Servitors quest after departing the Starport, attend the coronation ceremony, be kind to Nomos, interrogate everyone on the ship, and engage in multiple interactions with Nomos.

4. Collaboration with Techpriest (Act 4): During the ship attack, refrain from harming the Techpriest and allow it to collaborate with Nomos.

5. Final Quest and Ending (Act 5): In the fifth act, players must unlock the location of the Epitaph, a Necron Tomb World. Let Nomos inhabit the Techpriest’s body and ensure Nomos survives the battle against C’ton. By witnessing the final ending, players will fulfill the criteria for unlocking the secret ending.

The Game and its Features

Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader, released on December 7, 2023, thrusts players into pivotal roles within the expansive Warhammer 40,000 universe, taking on the roles of governor, ship captain, and noble. Developed and published by Owlcat Games, this engaging role-playing and strategy game is accessible on various platforms, including PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, PlayStation 4, macOS, and Microsoft Windows.

This game delivers a distinctive blend of adventure and strategy, submerging players into the ominous and somber ambiance of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. With complimentary DLC available until January 31, 2024, Rogue Trader invites players to traverse the treacherous Koronus Expanse, skillfully guiding their massive void ship through hazardous, unexplored reaches of space. As the Lord Captain, players’ decisions wield considerable influence over the open world and its denizens.

In Rogue Trader, players grapple with moral intricacies as they sculpt their character’s identity, selecting choices that range from noble to reprehensible. The game’s isometric turn-based tactical combat and strategic utilization of cover, environment, and companion abilities contribute depth to the gameplay. By adapting the classic Rogue Trader ruleset, players are presented with myriad possibilities for exploration and decision-making, ultimately steering the destinies of their character and crew.

For players aspiring to unveil alternative and concealed outcomes in Rogue Trader, the Secret Ending Guide proves to be an invaluable resource. By meticulously adhering to the comprehensive instructions and making judicious choices, players have the opportunity to unlock the secret ending, thus molding a unique narrative within the expansive Warhammer 40,000 universe.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Does the chosen morality path affect the secret ending in Rogue Trader?

Certainly, the secret ending is shaped by your chosen morality path, be it Dogmatic, Iconoclast, or Heretical.

2. Why is the “How Did It All End” trophy important in Rogue Trader?

Earning the “How Did It All End” trophy is vital because it opens the door to the secret ending, achieved through specific decisions leading to the creation of a personal abomination.

3. In Rogue Trader, when is the ideal time for players to attend the coronation ceremony for unlocking the secret ending?

For unlocking the secret ending, players should attend the coronation ceremony post completing the Defective Servitors quest, showing kindness to Nomos, and thoroughly interrogating everyone on the ship.

4. How can players team up with the Techpriest to unveil the secret ending in Rogue Trader?

To unlock the secret ending with the Techpriest, players must avoid killing it during the ship attack and permit it to collaborate with Nomos during various interactions.

5. What role does the Necron Tomb World, Epitaph, play in unlocking the secret ending in Rogue Trader?

To unveil the final secret ending, players need to discover the Epitaph’s location and let Nomos inhabit the Techpriest’s body, ensuring Nomos survives the battle against C’ton.

