Is Jack leaving Blue Bloods? Tony Terracianos character goes to college

Tony Terracianos character Jack Reagan has been a part of Blue Bloods since the shows debut. Viewers have watched him grow up on screen, and last nights episode featured a milestone for the teenager.

Tony Terraciano’s character Jack Reagan has been a part of Blue Bloods since the show’s debut. Viewers have watched him grow up on screen, and last night’s episode featured a milestone for the teenager.

With Jack leaving for college, Blue Bloods fans are now wondering whether he will be sticking around for more appearances — or if he’s leaving the show for good.

At this point, there is no indication that Jack won’t be returning or that the actor has decided to leave the show.

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Jack Reagan may not have been involved in the main plotline on the show at all times, but when it came to family dinners Jack was always seen at the table.

In fact, he is credited in every single episode of Blue Bloods to date.

Last night was bittersweet for fans who have watched Jack Reagan grow up. Leaving for college is a big milestone, one that will likely be featured more as the show goes on.

There is no indication that Jack will be gone forever, and he could well return from time to time as a college student would in the real world.

There hasn’t been a big announcement about a departure this season on Blue Bloods and with the way things were left, it is likely that Jack Reagan will be spotted on the show again soon.

Tony Terraciano hasn’t confirmed an exit so for the time being it looks like fans can rest easy in the knowledge that Jack will be back.

Blue Bloods airs Friday nights at 10/9c on CBS.

