Why '80s Video Vixen Marjorie Ann Orbin Is Now Serving Life In Prison

So why is Orbin, possible video star, serving a life sentence in prison? As reported by theArizona Republic,Orbin was convicted in 2010 for the murder of her husband, Jay Orbin, who disappeared in September 2004 after returning home from a cross-country business trip. His "headless, limbless torso" was found weeks later in the desert in

So why is Orbin, possible video star, serving a life sentence in prison? As reported by the Arizona Republic, Orbin was convicted in 2010 for the murder of her husband, Jay Orbin, who disappeared in September 2004 after returning home from a cross-country business trip. His "headless, limbless torso" was found weeks later in the desert in North Phoenix "stuffed into a 50-gallon plastic tub." Evidence against Marjorie included surveillance video from a hardware store showing her purchasing two 50-gallon plastic tubs. 

Another article from the Arizona Republic noted that Jay "probably made it home" before his murder, according to computer logs and credit card and cell phone records. Prosecutors also claimed that Marjorie had painted over the garage floor where the murder allegedly took place, immediately started running up her husband's credit cards and draining his bank accounts, and had been cheating on Jay with multiple people, including their son's karate instructor and a man she met at the gym. Several of Marjorie's "lovers, jilted friends and former cellmates" testified at her trial, and the man from the gym, Larry Weisberg, was give immunity for his testimony.

At the end of a long, salacious trial that lasted for five years, Marjorie Ann Orbin was sentenced to life behind bars. In her Write A Prisoner pen pal profile, she mentions that she "had quite a career as a professional dancer and choreographer" and specifies "even dancing on Rock videos. Motley Crew [sic] 'Girl, Girls, Girls.'"

