What Do White People Smell Like?

In all seriousness, I'll tell all you what the white folk smell like. I'm Hispanic, so I know my nose is correct. They have an odor that smells like a bed made of hay that hasn't been made in weeks. Fucking weeks. When the whites sweat, the friction between their thighs release a musky kind

In all seriousness, I'll tell all you what the white folk smell like. I'm Hispanic, so I know my nose is correct. They have an odor that smells like a bed made of hay that hasn't been made in weeks. Fucking weeks. When the whites sweat, the friction between their thighs release a musky kind of smell. I don't know about other Hispanics (I'm Colombian, by the way), but as for me, I smell like a bottle of the finest motherfucking cologne. When I sweat, it's as if God vomited all over my clothes.

