Is Andrew ilnyckyj married?Who is Ashly Perezs wife, girlfriend and relationship

Andrew Ilnyckyj has been a Buzzfeed Producer and Main Actor in the company since 2013. He was born on May 23, 1990 in New Jersey and his birth sign is Gemini.Andrew is known for hisThe Scary Seriesand his #1 hit seriesWorth Itwhich he co-created with Steven Lim.

Andrew Ilnyckyj has been a Buzzfeed Producer and Main Actor in the company since 2013. He was born on May 23, 1990 in New Jersey and his birth sign is Gemini. Andrew is known for his The Scary Series and his #1 hit series Worth It which he co-created with Steven Lim.

He has also worked both in front of and behind the camera in successful video content such as Things Everyone Does But We Don’t Talk About where he co-starred with President Barack Obama, The Things People Do cats would be scary if you made these, Mozzarella Stuffed MeatballsBlue, and Always Say Aishiteru

Andrew portrays a funny and goofy character in his videos which delights his fans and audiences. A fairly popular fan page has been created for him on Instagram and there is even a fan page for Buzzfeed.

What is Buzzfeed?

Buzzfeed is an Internet media company based in New York City, America, was founded in 2006 by Jonah Peretti and John S. Johnson III. The company, which specializes in digital media, is a news and entertainment company originally created to track viral content. It also offers coverage on a variety of topics, including politics, DIY, animals and business, before expanding into journalism and reporting in 2011. Resulting YouTube channels include Tasty, Ladylike and Boldly.

Is it worth it

Their first series Worth It was uploaded to YouTube on September 18, 2016. The show features American Steven Lim, Andrew Ilnyckyj and cameraman Adam who are Malaysian from Ohio. The trio visit three food locations where they place a particular food at three different price points: affordable, mid-level, and luxury. The objective is to determine which food is worth its price, from the lowest price to the supposedly ideal price.

Worth It In 2017, it became the #1 most-watched show on YouTube with an audience as large as top TV shows with over 280 million views.

Andrew Ilnyckyj Relationship with Ashly Perez

Who is Ashly Perez?

Ashly is a video producer at Buzzfeed. She is also a travel writer and producer of Violet videos, whose comedic traits have made her popular on social media.

She was born on July 8, 1989 in California and is of Cuban, Filipino, and Korean ancestry. The first series she produced with her fellow Violet producers and characters, You Make You in 2015, became a hit, peaking in the iTunes TV store for the entire launch week. The video has triumphed over shows such as The Walking Dead and Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Ashly is, however, known for her video content aimed at and by young multicultural women. She once wrote a BuzzFeed lifestyle article titled I Wasn’t Pretty Enough to Live in South Korea. In particular, she insisted on the importance given by South Korean culture to the appearance of young women.

Their relationship

The duo produce the Ashdrew videos where they act as a couple and have been delivered by fans for looking so perfect together. Their fandom community considers their characters as OTP (One True Pairing). Some of the videos include: Is It Just A Crush, A Thousand Years, Something I Want, All About Your Heart, The Whisper Challenge, Is It On A Date.

One of the videos, Is He on a Date, suggested that Andrew had been caught and that there would be no more Ashdrew videos. And true to that, the videos stopped coming.

However, as the perfect couple they seem to be on screen, it’s heartbreaking to know they’re not a real couple. They ended their show and left many fans disappointed with how they went about it, probably because Andrew had a girlfriend in real life.

It’s even been alleged that the new girlfriend received death threats from shippers for getting between them and their dreams (see their favorite couple together, IRL). Also with the report that Ashly is gay, nothing could possibly have happened between the two (Andrew and Ashly).

Ashly announced on her Twitter feed on February 2, 2018, that she would be leaving Buzzfeed for other projects, but added that this may not end her series, Unfortunately Ashley

Is Andrew Ilnyckyj married? wife, girlfriend

Andrew was thought to be dating Ashly Perez, but it is common knowledge that they did not date and were merely portraying a couple on screen. Ashdrew’s videos were rumored to have ended due to Andrew’s possible girlfriend not being comfortable with the fan commentary and posting.

As true as that may be, what is not known is the identity of said girlfriend. Still, our expectations and dreams of pairing up our favorite screen couples and wishing they’d end up together in real life shouldn’t stop us from supporting Andrew in his relationship with his unknown girlfriend.

