Who is Jim Furyk's daughter? Bio, age, family, job, net worth

James Michael Furyk is an American professional golfer who plays on the PGA Tour and the PGA Tour Champions. In 2010, he was the FedEx Cup champion and PGA Tour Player of the Year. He has won one major championship, the 2003 U.S. Open.

James Michael Furyk is an American professional golfer who plays on the PGA Tour and the PGA Tour Champions. In 2010, he was the FedEx Cup champion and PGA Tour Player of the Year. He has won one major championship, the 2003 U.S. Open.

Jim was born on May 12, 1970 (age 52 years), in West Chester, Pennsylvania, United States. His parents are Mike Furyk and Linda Furyk. He is currently married to his better half Tabitha Furyk. The couple tied the knot in 2000 and are happily blessed with two children, Caleigh Lynn Furyk, and Tanner James Furyk.

Caleigh Lynn Furyk: Who is Jim Furyk’s daughter?

Caleigh Lynn Furyk is Jim Furyk’s eldest daughter. she was born on June 24, 2002.

Caleigh graduated from The Bolles School in Pontevedra Beach, Florida in May 2020. She currently attends Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, where she competes on an athletic team.

Caleigh Lynn Furyk has a younger brother named Tanner James Furyk, he plays at The Bolles School in Jacksonville, Florida.

