Question 1: Broken power armor pieces should still be in your inventory?
Answer: Yes, the broken power armor pieces will still be in your inventory, but they will be flagged as unequipped and can be found in the armor tab.
Question 2: Where can I find the broken power armor pieces?
Answer: The broken power armor pieces can be found in your inventory, specifically in the armor tab.
Question 3: How can I repair the broken power armor pieces?
Answer: To repair the broken power armor pieces, you need to go to a power armor repair station and use it. The arm should be there with 0/xxx durability and the option to repair it.
Question 4: How do I fix broken power armor?
Answer: Have the armor piece in your personal inventory, not the workshop inventory, if at a settlement. Then, go to the power armor workstation where your frame, with other pieces attached, is located. You’ll see the broken armor piece in the list of items to work on. Once repaired, you can re-equip it on your frame.
Question 5: What happens when power armor breaks?
Answer: When a piece of power armor breaks, it will be removed from the armor suit and placed in your inventory. You cannot add it back to the power armor suit without repairing it at the power armor workbench.
Question 6: Why did my power armor disappear in Fallout 4?
Answer: Your settlers probably took them when they were under attack. They likely dropped them in Sanctuary, not far from where they were when the attack ended.
Question 7: How do you get missing power armor parts?
Answer: The vendor on the Brotherhood of Steel ship sells power armor parts. Additionally, in the Minutemen quest “Out of the Fire,” the “boss” at the end has some raider power armor pieces that you can loot, except for the helmet.
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