Rob Van Dam Speaks On His Stretching Routine and Whether He Would Return To WWE

Rob Van Dam spoke with Justin Barrassoof Sports Illustrated shortly after performing at Northeast WrestlingsRedemptionevent. The former ECW and WWE Champion discussed his signature stretching routine that aided in his career longevity and how it grew in popularity with his peers:

Rob Van Dam spoke with Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated shortly after performing at Northeast Wrestling’s Redemption event. The former ECW and WWE Champion discussed his signature stretching routine that aided in his career longevity and how it grew in popularity with his peers:

“Even in ’91, when I was in the indies in Florida, I still had my stretch routine back then. When I did my splits on the floor, there was always, always some homosexual remark made from one of the wrestlers. You can guess what those guys said, but my stretching has played a significant part in my longevity and my physical health.”

Van Dam also brought up the possibility of returning to WWE, which he doesn’t think is certain, but it is likely possible:

“I know that my fans want to see me back in WWE, To that, I can say, it’s good to be wanted. I can tell you that I enjoy my days off a lot more than my days on, but I appreciate the fans. It’s because of them I have the life I have. So thank you to the fans, I know they’re going to stick with me for life, and never say never.”

Fans can read the full interview at this link, with Van Dam opening up about meditation and enjoying his schedule post-WWE.

