Hannah Warburton Obituary, Utah, Remembering The Life Of Hannah Warburton Who Died By Suicide

Hannah Warburton Obituary, Death Laura Warburton fondly remembers her daughter, Hannah, as a vibrant and strong-willed individuala true warrior in every sense. Hannah, an accomplished pianist, singer, and student body officer, was not only academically successful with nearly straight As but also a skilled martial artist who fearlessly took on opponents, often leaving the


Hannah Warburton Obituary, Death – Laura Warburton fondly remembers her daughter, Hannah, as a vibrant and strong-willed individual—a true warrior in every sense. Hannah, an accomplished pianist, singer, and student body officer, was not only academically successful with nearly straight A’s but also a skilled martial artist who fearlessly took on opponents, often leaving the boys astonished by her prowess.

Despite her outward strength, Hannah faced internal battles triggered by multiple concussions, leading to severe anxiety and depression. Laura witnessed her daughter’s struggle, describing a painful transformation where Hannah couldn’t function, experienced memory lapses, and battled with a sense of losing herself. Laura, committed to providing the best care possible, was unaware of the extent of Hannah’s suffering.

Tragically, in 2014, at the age of 16, Hannah took her own life. In the wake of this heartbreaking loss, Laura Warburton has become a tireless advocate, determined to break the stigma surrounding suicide and mental health. She founded the nonprofit “Live Hannah’s Hope,” offering resources and support for those grappling with mental health challenges.

“Live Hannah’s Hope” serves as a vital resource, providing assistance and guidance for individuals in need. In an effort to foster resilience and share stories of triumph, the organization awards a “resilience award” with a cash prize to Utah high school seniors who have overcome personal challenges. Recognizing the power of peer support, Laura emphasizes the importance of young voices in addressing mental health concerns. In addition to her advocacy work, Laura opened The Wellness Center, with locations in Huntsville and South Ogden, specializing in the treatment of post-concussive syndrome, a condition that affected Hannah.

The center offers innovative therapies such as red-light therapy, known to boost mood and immune health. Laura Warburton’s commitment to suicide prevention extends to legislative efforts. In 2018, the Utah House passed “Hannah’s Bill,” ensuring that suicide crisis lines remain staffed 24/7. While Laura grieves the loss of her daughter, she channels her pain into purpose, believing that Hannah’s legacy serves as a catalyst for positive change. Through advocacy, support initiatives, and legislative action, Laura Warburton honors Hannah’s memory by making a profound impact on the conversation surrounding mental health and suicide prevention.


