George Thompson cause of death, wife, children, Marquette basketball legend net worth

Tributes fall like raindrops on the internet following the death of a Legendary Marquette mens basketball player. Geoge Thompson died Wednesday (June 8) morning at the age of 74. Table of Content From the information reaching us, he died from diabetes complications. For four decades, Thompson was the all-time leading scorer in university basketball history,

Tributes fall like raindrops on the internet following the death of a Legendary Marquette men’s basketball player. Geoge Thompson died Wednesday (June 8) morning at the age of 74.

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George Thompson cause of death

From the information reaching us, he died from diabetes complications. For four decades, Thompson was the all-time leading scorer in university basketball history, with 1,773 points.

He stayed in the Milwaukee area after his basketball career and worked as an analyst on radio broadcasts for years with Steve True.

George Thompson wife and children

Presently his nuclear family members aren’t known probably due to the fact that he kept them away from the media.

George Thompson net worth

George was known to be successful in his career years and before his death, he was worth over $ 10 million dollars according to hearsays.

George Thompson funeral and burial service

At the moment, his family representatives are preparing to issue a press statement outlining the dates of his funeral and memorial services, as well as the date for the event.

