Genesis Ali Dean Wiki, age, birthday, height, Alicia Keys son, father, school, net worth

Genesis Ali Dean is a celebrity child. He is the second born of the musical couple Alicia Keys and her husband Swizz Beatz. Table of Content He is the soon n of African-American, Jamaican, and Puerto Rican descent name Swizz Beatz his father and his mother Alicia Keys are of African-American, English, Irish, Italian,

alicia keys swizz

Genesis Ali Dean is a celebrity child.

He is the second born of the musical couple Alicia Keys and her husband Swizz Beatz.

Table of Content

Genesis Ali Dean Wikipedia

He is the soon n of African-American, Jamaican, and Puerto Rican descent name Swizz Beatz his father and his mother Alicia Keys are of African-American, English, Irish, Italian, Scottish and Sicilian descent.

He was born on the 27th of December 2014 at 1:52 am in New York City. He is seven years old. He has four siblings and he is a child of celerity.

He belongs to the All-American ethnicity and holds an American nationality.

Genesis Ali Dean age and birthday

He is 7 years old and celebrates his birthday on the 27th of December every year.

Genesis Ali Dean height

No details about his height or weight are found but he has a brown curly hair color and black eyes.

Genesis Ali Dean parents and siblings

Ali Dean is the second child born of the musical couple named Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz. He has four siblings three of which are his half-siblings from his father’s side namely Egypt Daoud Dean his older and direct brother, and Prince Nasir Dean, Kasseem Dean Jr., and Nicole Dean are his half-siblings.

Genesis Ali Dean school

He might be attending primary classes in school but the name of the school is not revealed to the public yet.

Genesis Ali Dean net worth

He is just a child and not working but he is enjoying his parent’s worth and his parent’s estimated net worth is around $ 150 million.

