Can You Customize The Mantis In Star Wars Jedi Survivor?

Here, we will go over how to customize the Mantis in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. First Published August 12, 2023, 07:55 In early 2023, the gaming realm welcomed the much-anticipated Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. Its allure stemmed from its role as the successor to the critically acclaimed Star Wars: Fallen Order. Notably, the reviews for

Here, we will go over how to customize the Mantis in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

First Published August 12, 2023, 07:55

In early 2023, the gaming realm welcomed the much-anticipated Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. Its allure stemmed from its role as the successor to the critically acclaimed Star Wars: Fallen Order. Notably, the reviews for Jedi Survivor can be attributed to its continuation from where Fallen Order ended.

Jedi Survivor boasts an extensive range of novel content, building upon the foundation laid by Fallen Order. Alongside these new elements, fans will find many familiar features making a triumphant return. One thing that has players wondering is if you can once again customize the Mantis in Jedi Survivor. We go over that down below.

Can You Customize The Mantis In Jedi Survivor?

In Fallen Order, there were not too many customization options that were available in the game. You can customize your clothes a little bit, but you can also customize the Mantis. The Mantis is the ship that you are using throughout the story. But the question is, can you customize the Matnis in Jedi Survivor?

Unfortunately, you cannot customize the Mantis in Jedi Survivor. This was quite an unusual decision as you could easily customize the Matnis in the previous game, but for some reason, that feature is not present in Jedi Survivor. Players will have to deal with using the default Mantis in Jedi Survivor.

What Can You Customize In Jedi Survivor?

Although you can no longer customize the Mantis in Jedi Survivor, that does not mean everything needs to be defaulted in the game. There are plenty of other customization options that are available in the game. The main character, Cal, can be customized quite a bit this time around for players who are interested in doing so.

You can customize Cal's hair, facial hair, and clothing. On top of that, you can customize the lightsaber you use, and you can also customize BD-1 as well. Lightsaber and BD-1 customization can be done in the workbenches that are scattered throughout the game. Cal can be customized through the main menu.

Daniel Borjas

