Anna on 7 Little Johnstons: What did she do to get into trouble?

Anna Johnston has made a name for herself as a troublemaker in the family. Her life hasnt been easy, and being adopted didnt help that any. Amber and Trent Johnston have tried to be firm with her and show her unconditional love. Despite all of that, Anna has made things difficult for herself by being

Anna Johnston has made a name for herself as a troublemaker in the family. Her life hasn’t been easy, and being adopted didn’t help that any.

Amber and Trent Johnston have tried to be firm with her and show her unconditional love. Despite all of that, Anna has made things difficult for herself by being dishonest and acting out.

What did Anna do on the 7 Little Johnstons?

A hot topic on 7 Little Johnstons recently has been Anna Johnston and how her behavior has affected her siblings. Decisions she has made have caused them not to be as independent as they had liked and added stress to their lives.

Jonah Johnston has been particularly affected by Anna Johnston and her actions. He revealed to Amber and Trent that he felt like his sister took a lot of their attention away from him. Jonah has been dealing with school stresses and bad grades, and last week, he opened up about how he feels regarding Anna and her punishments.

Throughout her life, Anna Johnston has made some mistakes. One of the ones that stand out was when she and her family attended the annual little people conference. It was aired on the show, and when Amber and Trent Johnston gave their children two rules to follow, Anna broke one.

She was caught lying about being in a hotel room she wasn’t supposed to be in, causing Amber and Trent to come down hard on her. This affected Jonah Johnston, as he was given the task of driving her to and from school because their parents believed that she wasn’t mature enough to drive and make good decisions.

Several more instances happened with Anna Johnston. She was caught spray-painting the school, and Amber and Trent had to take away a lot from her. This was also mentioned in the therapy session Jonah Johnston had to talk about what was going on.

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What is Anna Johnston up to now?

Last year, Anna Johnston graduated high school. That has been playing out on this season of 7 Little Johnstons. She chose to go away for school, which will likely be discussed further on down the road.

A lot has changed for Anna Johnston since she was introduced to the show. Some of her adoption story was shared on 7 Little Johnstons, and her life has been chronicled on the reality show. Anna has come a long way since her younger years, which is a testament to the work Trent and Amber Johnston put into her.

Moving forward, hopefully, Jonah and Anna can put their differences behind them and work toward a better relationship. They are family, and sometimes, things aren’t always easy.

7 Little Johnstons airs Tuesday nights at 10/9c on TLC.

