90 Day Fiances Amanda Wilhelm arrested for battery as a teen All the details

Nearly every reality television star has a checkered past, and as weve recently learned, that includes 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days Amanda Wilhelm. Amanda, 31, joined 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days alongside her Romanian boyfriend, Razvan Ciocoi, and their international love story is currently playing out in Season 6.

Nearly every reality television star has a checkered past, and as we’ve recently learned, that includes 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Day’s Amanda Wilhelm.

Amanda, 31, joined 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days alongside her Romanian boyfriend, Razvan Ciocoi, and their international love story is currently playing out in Season 6.

Up until now, the only backstory we had on Amanda involved her late husband, Jason, who died last year of ampullary cancer.

Amanda found the “man of her dreams,” Razvan, a European heartthrob she met on TikTok shortly after Jason’s death, but she’s caught plenty of heat from 90 Day Fiance viewers who think she needs to pump the brakes and focus on healing rather than jumping into another romantic relationship.

She’s also come under fire for the way she treats Razvan, with many accusing her of leading him on and putting him down.

Now that we’ve discovered she has a rap sheet under her belt, Amanda might be losing more fans from the 90 Day Fiance audience.

Amanda Wilhelm was arrested for battery in 2010

Starcasm did some background digging and found out that while she was 19 years old, Amanda got arrested for battery after she was reportedly involved in a physical altercation with another woman involving a baseball bat.

The outlet reports that Amanda’s arrest took place in Panama City Beach, Florida, in August 2010, right around the time she began dating Jason.

Amanda was cuffed and taken into custody after she and a man named Jeremiah got out of their car and allegedly beat a woman by the name of Kayla while the woman was in her own driveway.

Jeremiah is claimed to have held down Kayla while Amanda allegedly attacked her. According to a police report, Amanda allegedly “grappled around, causing abrasions on her (Kayla’s) left knee and both elbows.”

The report claims a male exited Kayla’s home during the attack to attempt to stop Amanda in her tracks. That’s when Jeremiah purportedly “punched [the unidentified male] on the left side of his head, knocking him down.” Despite the alleged attack, the male reportedly declined to press charges against Jeremiah.

According to Amanda’s version of events, she and Jeremiah stopped by Kayla’s house on their way home to “make amends for the bad situation that existed between them.”

Amanda claimed that she got out of the car in an attempt to talk things over with Kayla, but then Kayla hit Amanda in the knee with a baseball bat, forcing Amanda to defend herself.

The 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days star failed to complete anger management courses and community service

Court records show that in October 2010, a deferred judgment was entered against Amanda for her battery charge. Amanda was required to complete 24 hours of community service and complete an anger management course within six months per her Deferred Prosecution Agreement.

In 2011, Amanda’s docket was updated by her probation officer, noting that she failed to comply with the Pre-Trial Program terms and conditions — meaning she didn’t complete her community service hours or her required anger management course — and the defendant’s case expired on April 12, 2011.

Season 6 of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days airs on Sundays at 8/7c on TLC and Discovery+.

