Yvette Lares Garcia: Woman who shot at cops who took her home to see her dogs gets 10 years in priso

CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON: A woman was sentenced to a decade behind bars for firing at two cops, who despite arresting her, also helped her. Yvette Lares Garcia was reportedly given on Wednesday, October 12, by judge Cody Weston after Gladstone Police Department officers gave their testimonies about the incident that happened in November 2021.

CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON: A woman was sentenced to a decade behind bars for firing at two cops, who despite arresting her, also helped her. Yvette Lares Garcia was reportedly given on Wednesday, October 12, by judge Cody Weston after Gladstone Police Department officers gave their testimonies about the incident that happened in November 2021.

“We treated you with the utmost dignity and respect,” Sergeant Travis Hill told the court, who had to quit his profession as he suffered because of the bullets fired by Garcia. “My kids don't understand how or why you would do something that causes me so much pain. They have watched as I've fought through the physical pain and discomfort every single day,” Hill added.


According to reports, the incident happened on November 22 last year, when the woman was stopped by Officer Clement Lau after an outstanding was issued against her in Texas. Garcia was then taken to ​​the Gladstone Police Department but she pleaded with the officers to go home because she wanted to check if her dogs were okay.

The cops then reportedly considered the woman genuine and took her to her home while she was in handcuffs. As they arrived at the residence, Hill and Lau started to pacify Garcia’s dogs while she went inside claiming to get a leash. But returned with a 9mm loaded handgun and began firing. “Hit, I'm hit,” Hill screamed as a bullet hit him.

The video footage of the incident showed the officer “screaming in pain, having been struck once in the arm and once in the leg. One of the bullets entered just below the law enforcement official's knee and caused permanent damage,” The Daily reported. It has been said that despite Lau’s repeated warnings and getting hurt herself, she did not stop.

In the court, Garcia’s lawyer defended her by saying, “Her plan was to die at home, having law enforcement shoot her, that's why she didn't put the gun down in the stairwell. She wanted law enforcement, with all due respect, to finish the job. Her plan was to commit suicide by cop. It's not a justification, certainly not an excuse, but it is an explanation.”

The Daily Mail added that the woman “pleaded 'no contest' to the aggravated attempted murder charge brought against her and guilty to the first-degree assault and attempt to commit a Class B felony,” which resulted her in getting three years on parole and she was also ordered to pay $50,000 in compensation.

Following the sentencing, Garcia apologized to both the officers as she said, “I turned a great act of kindness and humanity into something horrific. You were able to see my anguish over my fur babies and went out of your way to help me. I remember you relating to me with your love of your dogs. That stays with me and I think about that all the time.”

