PHOTOS Teen Moms Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra visit Carly, Brandon and Teresa

Talk about a modern family! Teen Mom stars Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra recently reunited with their daughter Carly, her adoptive parents, her adoptive brother and her adoptive brothers birth mom!


Talk about a modern family! Teen Mom stars Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra recently reunited with their daughter Carly, her adoptive parents, her adoptive brother and her adoptive brother’s birth mom!

Although Catelynn and Tyler last saw Carly during a zoo visit in September, this was the first time we’ve seen Carly in a while… And what an adorable little girl she is! At four years old, she looks like the perfect blend of her birth parents. (Also, don’t Catelynn and Teresa look like they could be related?)

It’s unclear when the family reunion took place. Based on another picture of Carly that Catelynn shared on Wednesday, the gathering seems to have taken place within the past few days.


According to Teen Mom & 16 and Pregnant, the other girl in the picture is Carly’s younger brother’s birth mother, Beth. Beyond their children sharing the same adoptive parents, Catelynn and Beth have another special connection: Catelynn helped Beth with her own adoption experience!

During a speaking engagement in May 2012, Catelynn explained that she immediately connected with Beth because of their similar situations. Catelynn was even present during Beth’s labor.

“I was holding her leg, I watched that little boy take the very first breath, and you know, I was just there to support her and tell her how I felt and express my feelings, and she really connected with me because it’s the same family,” Catelynn recalled. “She met them and I was hanging out with them all together with Carly and her, and it was the most amazing thing to watch. You know, I watched my daughter being born and her being placed with Brandon and Teresa, but then again I got to sit back and watch Carly’s little brother be born and placed with them.”

It’s so sweet to see the whole family has maintained such good relationships since then!

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