Massage Therapist Salary: Therapist Earnings in 2024

Massage therapy has grown in popularity as a form of alternative medicine, leading to an increased demand for massage therapists in recent years. If youre considering a career in massage therapy, you might be wondering how much you can expect to earn in this field. In this section, we will explore the expected massage therapist

Massage therapy has grown in popularity as a form of alternative medicine, leading to an increased demand for massage therapists in recent years. If you’re considering a career in massage therapy, you might be wondering how much you can expect to earn in this field. In this section, we will explore the expected massage therapist salary in 2023 and provide insights into the earning trends in the US massage therapy industry.

Massage therapist massaging client

  • Massage therapy is an increasingly popular alternative medicine.
  • Massage therapist salaries can vary depending on different factors.
  • Maintaining good client relationships and further education can help increase earning potential.
  • Additional income opportunities are available beyond traditional massage practice.
  • The massage therapy industry is projected to continue growing in the coming years.

Factors Affecting Massage Therapist Salaries

Massage therapy is a highly rewarding career path for those passionate about helping others relax and heal. However, the salary of a massage therapist can vary greatly depending on several factors.

Experience is a significant factor affecting massage therapist wages. As with most professions, the longer a therapist has been practicing, the higher their earning potential. Experienced therapists can charge higher rates and may be sought after by certain clients or businesses.

Specialization is another factor that can impact a massage therapist’s income. Therapists who specialize in a particular area, such as prenatal massage or sports massage, may be able to charge higher rates due to their specialized knowledge and skills.

Location also plays a role in determining a massage therapist’s earnings. Therapists working in major cities may earn higher salaries than those working in smaller towns or rural areas, as there is often greater demand for their services.

Industry demand can also influence massage therapy income. For example, massage therapists working in healthcare settings such as hospitals or rehabilitation centers may earn higher salaries compared to those working in spas or wellness centers.

It is important for massage therapists to keep these factors in mind when determining their earning potential. By tailoring their skills and services to meet the needs of the market, they can maximize their income and achieve greater financial stability in their chosen career path.

massage therapist wages

Knowing the average salary for massage therapists in the United States can help you determine how much you can expect to earn in this field. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for massage therapists in the United States in May 2020 was $46,070. This figure is based on hourly wage rates that range from $12.34 to $41.57. The median hourly wage is $20.39, meaning half of all massage therapists earn more than this amount, and half earn less.

It is important to note that there is significant variation in massage therapist earnings across different regions of the country. For example, the average annual salary for massage therapists in California is $58,750, which is significantly higher than the national average. In contrast, massage therapists in South Dakota have an average annual salary of $32,890, which is lower than the national average.

average massage therapist salary

Factors such as location, industry demand, and specialization can all impact salary levels. For example, massage therapists who work in high-end spas or resorts may earn higher salaries than those who work in chiropractic offices or fitness centers. Similarly, those who specialize in areas such as sports massage or medical massage may have greater earning potential due to the specialized knowledge and skills required.

By understanding the average salary range for massage therapists, as well as the various factors that can influence earnings, you can make informed decisions regarding your massage therapy career path and earning potential.

How Much Do Massage Therapists Make: Exploring Income Ranges

Massage therapist pay varies widely depending on several factors, including experience, location, and industry demand. According to the latest data, the median hourly wage for massage therapists in the United States is $24.70. However, income ranges can vary drastically, with some massage therapists earning as little as $8.50 an hour and others making upwards of $75 an hour.

The amount that a massage therapist can expect to make depends on a variety of factors, including:

  • Years of experience
  • Specialization within the field
  • Location of practice
  • Industry demand for services

Massage therapists who specialize in specific areas such as sports massage or prenatal massage may be able to command higher salaries due to their specialized knowledge and skills. Additionally, massage therapists who work in areas with high demand for services may be able to earn higher wages due to increased competition for their services.

On the lower end of the income spectrum, massage therapists who are just starting out in the field or who work in areas with lower demand for services may earn less than the national average hourly wage of $24.70. However, with experience and a loyal client base, massage therapists can expect to earn higher wages over time.

On the higher end of the income spectrum, massage therapists who work in lucrative areas such as luxury spas, resorts, or with high-end clients may be able to earn significantly higher wages, sometimes upwards of $75 an hour or more. These opportunities are often reserved for experienced massage therapists with specialized knowledge and skills.

Overall, the income range for massage therapists is broad, with many variables influencing the earning potential of a massage therapist. By honing their skills, gaining experience, and finding opportunities in high-demand areas, massage therapists can increase their earning potential in this rapidly growing industry.

how much do massage therapists make

Understanding the salary range within the massage therapy profession is crucial for both therapists and clients. The salary range for massage therapists can vary depending on a wide range of factors.

The minimum salary range for massage therapists in the United States is around $19,000 per year, with the top earners making around $78,000 per year. These numbers are based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Experience, specialization, and location are the primary factors that influence a massage therapist’s salary range. Therapists with several years of experience and specialized skills, such as neuromuscular or sports massage, can earn higher salaries than those without these qualifications.

Location is another significant factor that can impact a massage therapist’s salary range. For example, therapists working in major metropolitan areas may earn higher salaries than those working in smaller cities or rural areas. The demand for massage therapists can also vary by location, with some areas experiencing higher demand and therefore higher salaries.

It is essential to understand that these salary ranges are just averages and may not apply to every therapist. There may be outliers who earn significantly more or less than the national average due to various reasons, including their experience, location, and industry demand.

massage therapy salary range

To ensure that you are receiving fair compensation for your services as a massage therapist, it is vital to understand the various factors that can impact your salary range. By taking into account your experience, location, and industry demand, you can adjust your rates accordingly to ensure that you are earning a fair wage for your services.

Highest Paid Massage Therapists: Lucrative Opportunities

In the competitive field of massage therapy, there are several areas where massage therapists can specialize to earn higher salaries. Some areas require additional training, but the investment can pay off in the long run.

Here are some of the highest paying areas for massage therapists:

SpecializationAverage Salary Range
Medical or Clinical Massage$40,000 – $120,000+
Sports Massage$50,000 – $80,000
Spa Massage$25,000 – $60,000

Medical or clinical massage involves treating clients with specific medical conditions, such as injuries or chronic pain. Sports massage therapists work with athletes to help them prevent injuries and recover from strenuous activity. Spa massage therapists provide relaxation and stress relief services in a spa or wellness center.

Another lucrative opportunity for massage therapists is to specialize in a certain setting. For example, massage therapists who work in upscale hotels or resorts can earn higher salaries than those who work in a small business or clinic. In addition, massage therapists who work in metropolitan areas tend to earn more than those who work in rural areas.

Highest-Paid Massage Therapists

It’s important to remember that earning potential can vary widely based on factors such as location, experience, and business skills. However, with dedication and hard work, massage therapists can find lucrative opportunities to boost their income.

Massage Therapist Salary in Major US Cities

Location often plays a significant role in determining salary levels for massage therapists. In major cities across the United States, massage therapists can expect to earn a range of salaries depending on the local market, demand for services, and cost of living. Here is a breakdown of the average massage therapist salary in some of the top cities across the country:

CityAverage Salary (per year)
New York City, NY$57,290
Los Angeles, CA$53,160
Chicago, IL$50,680
Houston, TX$46,940
Miami, FL$38,010

It is worth noting that these figures are just averages, and individual salaries may vary based on factors such as experience, specialization, and the type of employer. Furthermore, these numbers only represent a snapshot of current salary trends and may shift in the coming years.

massage therapist salary in major US cities

If you are a massage therapist looking for opportunities to increase your earning potential, it may be worth considering the differences in salary levels across different cities, as well as the cost of living and job demand in those areas. It is also important to explore different specializations within the industry that may offer higher salaries, such as sports massage or medical massage. By staying up-to-date on industry trends and taking advantage of career advancement opportunities, massage therapists can boost their earning potential and build a successful career in this rewarding field.

Projected Salary Growth in the Massage Therapy Industry

Over the years, the massage therapy industry has experienced steady growth, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of massage therapists in the United States is projected to grow by 21% between 2019 and 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations.

This growth is driven by several factors, including the increasing demand for massage therapy services and the growing recognition of massage therapy as a holistic and complementary healthcare practice. As the industry continues to expand, the earning potential for massage therapists is expected to increase as well.

In fact, according to a recent study by the American Massage Therapy Association, the average massage therapist salary in the United States increased by 5% between 2018 and 2019, from $50,342 to $52,875.

In addition, the study found that massage therapists who worked in healthcare settings, such as hospitals and clinics, earned significantly more than those who worked in spas or as self-employed practitioners.

massage therapist salary growth

Looking ahead, the massage therapy industry is expected to continue to grow as more people seek out massage therapy services to manage stress, alleviate pain, and improve overall wellness. With this growth comes increased demand for massage therapists, which in turn is likely to drive up salaries for those in the field.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that factors such as location, experience, and specialization will continue to play a role in determining individual earning potential. By staying informed about industry trends and taking steps to enhance their skills and expertise, massage therapists can position themselves for long-term career success and financial stability.

Advancing Your Massage Therapy Career: Boosting Earnings

As a massage therapist, there are several strategies and tips that you can implement to enhance your earning potential and advance your career in the industry. Here are a few ideas:

Further Education and Specialization

One of the best ways to boost your salary as a massage therapist is to invest in further education and specialize in a particular area of massage therapy. With additional certifications or training in areas such as sports massage, prenatal massage, or reflexology, you can command higher rates and attract a wider range of clients.

Continuing education courses and workshops can also offer opportunities for professional development and networking with other massage therapists in your area. Consider attending conferences or joining a professional association to stay up-to-date on industry trends and techniques.

Building a Loyal Client Base

Building a loyal client base is another key strategy for boosting your earning potential as a massage therapist. By providing quality service and building strong relationships with your clients, you increase the likelihood of repeat business and referrals, which can lead to steady income growth over time.

Consider offering package deals or loyalty programs to encourage clients to book regular appointments. You can also provide exceptional customer service by checking in with clients after sessions, offering personalized recommendations, and maintaining a welcoming and professional atmosphere in your practice.

Exploring Alternative Practice Settings

In addition to traditional practice settings such as spas and clinics, massage therapists can explore alternative settings to increase their income. Consider offering mobile massage services to clients in their homes or workplaces, or partnering with hotels or local events to provide on-site massage services.

You can also consider teaching or training other aspiring massage therapists, writing instructional materials or contributing to industry publications, or developing your own line of massage-related products to diversify your income streams.

massage therapist salary

By implementing these strategies, massage therapists can enhance their earning potential and advance their careers in the industry. Whether you choose to specialize in a particular area of massage therapy, build a loyal client base, or explore alternative practice settings, there are many opportunities to boost your income and achieve long-term success in the field.

Exploring Additional Income Opportunities for Massage Therapists

While working as a massage therapist can be a rewarding career, it’s no secret that income levels can vary depending on several factors. To supplement their earnings, many massage therapists explore additional income opportunities beyond traditional practice. Here are some avenues to consider:


Many massage therapists choose to share their knowledge and skills by becoming instructors. Teaching at massage schools or offering continuing education workshops can provide additional income while allowing therapists to share their passion with others.


Massage therapists can put their writing skills to use by creating content for blogs, magazines, or textbooks. Writing about massage therapy can not only supplement income but also enhance one’s reputation and provide opportunities for networking and professional growth.

Product Development

Massage therapists can develop their own line of products, such as massage oils or aromatherapy blends. This not only provides an additional income stream but also allows therapists to use their creativity and develop products that align with their values and mission.


For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, starting a business can be a fulfilling and lucrative option. This can include opening a massage studio or creating an online wellness platform, offering a variety of services to clients.

These are just a few examples of the additional income opportunities available to massage therapists. By exploring and pursuing these avenues, massage therapists can not only supplement their incomes but also broaden their horizons and contribute to the growth of the industry.

massage therapy income

Understanding the earning potential of a massage therapist is essential for those seeking a rewarding career in this field. From the expected salary trends in 2023 to the factors that can influence therapist wages, it’s important to have a comprehensive overview of massage therapist salaries.

By exploring the average salary range for massage therapists in the United States, we have highlighted the various factors that can impact earning potential. Whether it’s location, experience, specialization or industry demand, massage therapists need to have a clear understanding of how these factors can influence their salaries.

The good news is that there are many opportunities for massage therapists to boost their earnings. From career advancement options to supplementary income streams, there are many ways to enhance one’s earning potential in the field of massage therapy.

As the massage therapy industry continues to grow, we can expect to see an increase in salary levels and more opportunities for massage therapists to earn a good income. With the right mindset, education, and drive, massage therapists can enjoy a successful and rewarding career in this field.

Massage Therapist Salary


Q: What is the expected massage therapist salary in 2023?

A: The expected massage therapist salary in 2023 can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, specialization, and industry demand. However, on average, massage therapists can expect to earn a competitive income in the field of massage therapy.

Q: What factors can affect massage therapist salaries?

A: Several factors can influence massage therapist salaries, including experience, specialization, location, and industry demand. These variables can impact a therapist’s earning potential and determine the range of their salary in the field of massage therapy.

Q: What is the average massage therapist salary in the United States?

A: The average salary range for massage therapists in the United States can vary depending on their location and other factors. However, the national average provides a good benchmark, and massage therapists can expect to earn a competitive income when compared to other professions.

Q: How much do massage therapists make?

A: The income of massage therapists can vary depending on various factors such as experience, specialization, location, and industry demand. Generally, massage therapists earn a range of salaries, with some earning a higher income due to factors such as advanced training or working in specialized settings.

Q: What is the salary range within the massage therapy profession?

A: The salary range within the massage therapy profession can vary based on factors such as experience and specialization. Typically, massage therapists can expect to earn a minimum and maximum income, with opportunities for higher earnings as they gain more experience or specialize in specific areas of massage therapy.

Q: Which areas offer the highest paid opportunities for massage therapists?

A: Massage therapists can find lucrative opportunities in specialized areas and settings within the industry. These can include working in high-end spas, resorts, or wellness centers that cater to a clientele willing to pay a premium for massage services.

Q: How do massage therapist salaries vary across major US cities?

A: Massage therapist salaries can vary across major US cities due to differences in cost of living and demand for massage therapy services. It’s important to consider location when evaluating earning potential as massage therapists may find higher salaries in cities with higher demand and higher living costs.

Q: What is the projected salary growth in the massage therapy industry?

A: The massage therapy industry is projected to experience steady growth, which can positively impact salary levels for massage therapists. As the industry continues to expand and more people recognize the benefits of massage therapy, it is expected that salaries will continue to evolve and increase.

Q: How can massage therapists boost their earnings?

A: Massage therapists can enhance their earning potential by investing in further education, specializing in specific areas of massage therapy, building a loyal client base, and exploring career advancement opportunities such as becoming a lead therapist or opening their own practice.

Q: Are there additional income opportunities for massage therapists beyond traditional practice?

A: Yes, there are additional income opportunities available to massage therapists beyond traditional practice. Some examples include teaching massage therapy courses, writing articles or books, developing and selling massage-related products, or even starting their own massage therapy training programs.

