Connor Joyce Revisits Zoe LaVerne's Grooming Scandal on Instagram

Zoe LaVerne and her recent grooming accusations have not only affected her and her family, but it also seems to have affected people she was associated with in the past. In particular, her recent allegations have made Connor Joyce's life a bit difficult.

Zoe LaVerne and her recent grooming accusations have not only affected her and her family, but it also seems to have affected people she was associated with in the past. In particular, her recent allegations have made Connor Joyce's life a bit difficult.

As for who Connor is, he's the kid Zoe was accused of grooming in 2020. They had a friendly relationship — a little too friendly on occasions.

After Connor got pulled into Zoe's recent controversy, he has now spoken out regarding his involvement. He wishes to be left alone from things concerning Zoe.

Connor Joyce Asks People Not to Involve Him with Zoe LaVerne

On May 1, 2022, Connor took to Instagram stories to pen a short but direct message to everyone up to date on Zoe's latest grooming controversy and how that was affecting him.

"no one's defending zoe, what she does is what she does & i have no part w her anymore," Connor wrote in his story, making it loud and clear that he had nothing to do with Zoe's actions now.

"i was friends with her two years ago," he added. "why are y'all choosing to involve me in stuff SHE did now?"

Labeling the time he was associated with Zoe "the worst time of my life," Connor expressed his discontent with everyone who was messaging him about his past with her. "i'm sick of people blowing up my dms everyday," he said.

He wished to be left alone and said, "pls let me heal & move on in life." Connor also called everyone out on not having "any respect for anyone" and said the incessant texting was the proof of it.

Connor Joyce asks everyone not to involve him with Zoe LaVerne and her latest grooming accusations. (Photo: Connor Joyce/Instagram)

As for his relationship with Zoe, the latter was first called out in late 2020 for "catching feelings" for a then-13-year-old Connor.

The relationship first became public in October 2020 when a text between her former friend and ex-boyfriend leaked. The ex-friend admitted they severed relationships with Zoe because of her connections with Connor. They even termed her actions to resemble that of a pedophile.

After this, a clip of Zoe and Connor kissing surfaced. Nineteen at the time, Zoe soon apologized for what happened with "best friend" Connor and said they "just ended up catching feelings for each other." She also denied grooming accusations.

This got a lot of backlashes. But even though it was thought they had cut ties, they remained friendly for a while longer. As for now, Connor's words suggest they have cut ties for good.

Zoe LaVerne’s Latest Grooming Allegations

The accusations Connor is referring to in his Instagram story first surfaced in late-April 2022. Then, many screenshots from a conversation between two people named Zoe and Eric went viral on social media.

The minor, Eric, was first thought to be a 14-year-old whom Zoe was apparently grooming.

The Snapchat screenshots and the voice message looked genuine enough for everyone to believe Zoe was guilty of manipulating a minor again.

However, Zoe soon exposed everything going around as being false. On her Instagram stories, she detailed everything about the screenshots and screen recordings, which were doctored to look real, and denied the allegations.

