Who is Alexis MacAllisters girlfriend Camila Mayan? All you need to know about the couples dat

Alexis MacAlister plays for the English Premier League club Brighton and Hove Albion. The skillful and unselfish player is famous for his style of play, the not-so-dominating height doesnt make up a big difference as his vision for the final ball and link-up play is excellent on the field be it for his club, or

Alexis MacAlister plays for the English Premier League club Brighton and Hove Albion. The skillful and unselfish player is famous for his style of play, the not-so-dominating height doesn’t make up a big difference as his vision for the final ball and link-up play is excellent on the field be it for his club, or national side Argentina.

Alexis MacAlister has been lighting up the FIFA World Cup 2022 so far for his country. With a total of 5 appearances in the defensive part of the midfield with a goal in the tournament, his stocks are skyrocketing and he is valued at around 32 million euros by Transfermarkt.com. His girlfriend has very often been spotted cheering for him from the stands and people get curious to know about her.

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About Cami Mayan’s family and occupation

Camila Mayan is the beautiful girlfriend of Alexis MacAlister. She was born on 14 April 1999 and is a year younger than her beau. Her zodiac sign is Aries and is from Argentina, the same nation as her boyfriend. Camila is very secretive about her personal life and a lot is not known about her family at present except her sister.

Her sister’s name is Bella Mayan. Her educational background has mostly been from Argentina and she came to England once Alexis was bought by Brighton. Camila is fond of posting a lot on her Social handles and aspires to become an influencer. She mostly posts daily blogs on her YouTube channel as her genre.

Llegó ella, Camila Mayán, la novia de Alexis "Colo" McAllister.
Cami es creadora de contenidos pero se recibió este año, es Licenciada en Administración de Empresas de la UBA.
Ama viajar, la moda y entrenar.
Se conocieron en 2015 por un compañero de colegio de ella, amigo de él. pic.twitter.com/xs11RhLzdV

— Manu🤟🏽🇦🇷 (@GallinaGallardo) December 13, 2022

Where did Cami Mayan and Alexis MacAlister meet

Alexis MacAlister is the long-term boyfriend of Camila Mayan. The couple started dating 4 years ago in 2018 when they were teenagers. They have been together since then and the girlfriend has been very supportive of her boyfriend’s career through thick and thin and decided to migrate with him to England.

The couple doesn’t have any kids as of now as both of them are focused on their respective careers at the moment. As Alexis keeps delivering solid performances he is definitely guaranteed a bigger move in the future to a larger club. Likewise, Camila also has around 48.6K followers on her Instagram and will definitely reach out for more.

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