Avatar Frontiers of Pandora: How to Unlock & Get Ikran Skins? - SarkariResult

News: Gaining access to Ikran Skins in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora has become a thrilling addition for players seeking to customize their Navi warrior adventure. Upon successfully completing the Take Flight quest, players unlock a diverse range of distinctive skin patterns for their winged allies. With an initial selection of five options available and the

Unlocking Ikran Skins in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

News: Gaining access to Ikran Skins in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora has become a thrilling addition for players seeking to customize their Na’vi warrior adventure. Upon successfully completing the Take Flight quest, players unlock a diverse range of distinctive skin patterns for their winged allies. With an initial selection of five options available and the opportunity to uncover more skins through exploration and side quests, players have the freedom to truly distinguish their Ikran companions.

Quests and Missions

Acquiring the Ikran skins involves players engaging in a multitude of in-game opportunities and quests. As players advance through the storyline, they may stumble upon quests or missions that grant them access to unique Ikran skins. These quests could follow the Take Flight quest, further expanding the player’s array of customization choices.

Side Quests and Challenges

Beyond main quests, players can discover distinctive customization options, such as Ikran skins, through engaging in side quests or challenges within the game. By actively seeking out these optional missions and challenges, players can significantly augment the appearance of their Ikran companions.

Achievements and Milestones

Unlocking Ikran skins is not limited to quests alone; players can also attain them by reaching specific in-game milestones or achievements. These accomplishments may be tied to exploration, combat prowess, or various other activities within the game. As players meet these milestones, they earn new customization options, empowering them to personalize the appearance of their Ikran companions.

Exploration and Discovery

The process of unlocking new customization options, such as Ikran skins, is intricately tied to exploration and discovery within the game. Through meticulous exploration of the game world and the revelation of hidden locations, secrets, or rare items, players have the chance to serendipitously encounter fresh skin patterns for their Ikran companions.

In-Game Economy

Depending on the dynamics of the in-game economy, players might have the option to acquire Ikran skins through the use of in-game currency or resources. This process could entail engaging in trade, crafting, or obtaining specific items necessary for customization. Through strategic utilization of the in-game economy, players can broaden their array of Ikran skins, enhancing their ability to personalize their winged companions.

Customizing Your Ikran

Upon unlocking the ability to personalize their Ikran companions, players gain the option to bestow a unique name upon them. This opportunity arises during the Take Flight mission, where players forge a bond with their Ikran companion and subsequently customize its appearance. A curated list of 12 preset names is provided, featuring suggestions like “Fury” or “Storm” for those seeking cool options. However, players are entirely free to select any name that resonates with them personally.

In addition to naming their Ikran, players can tailor its visual identity by choosing a skin pattern. Initially presented with five options, they can discover additional patterns scattered throughout the game world. This customization element allows players to imbue their in-game experience with a distinct personal touch, transforming their Ikran into a unique companion.

It’s crucial to be mindful that once a name is chosen for the Ikran, it remains fixed unless the player opts to embark on a new playthrough of the game. Therefore, players are advised to carefully consider their choice before finalizing it.

About Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is a captivating open-world action-adventure game set in the expansive universe of the Avatar film. Players assume the role of a Na’vi orphan turned soldier, navigating the uncharted Western Frontier to resist the Resources Development Administration’s (RDA) exploitation of Pandora’s natural resources. This immersive gaming experience, released on December 7, 2023, for PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S, weaves together a compelling narrative of personal discovery, tribal alliances, and the fight against corporate greed.

The addition of Ikran Skins in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora enhances the depth and personalization of players’ Na’vi warrior journey. Through quest completion, challenges, and achievements, players unlock diverse skin patterns, enabling them to craft a distinctive appearance for their Ikran companions. With a myriad of customization options, players can fully immerse themselves in the vibrant world of Pandora, establishing themselves as skilled and unique Na’vi warriors. Embark on this thrilling adventure, explore the uncharted frontier, and unlock the boundless possibilities that await in this unforgettable gaming experience.


Q: What is the total number of unlockable Ikran skins in the game?

A: Initially, players can select from a pool of five Ikran skin patterns, with the potential to uncover more skins through exploration and completing side quests.

Q: Is it possible to buy Ikran skins within the game?

A: Depending on the in-game economy, players may be able to acquire Ikran skins using in-game currency or resources.

Q: After customizing an Ikran, can its name be altered?

A: No, once a name is assigned to an Ikran, it remains fixed unless the player initiates a new playthrough of the game.

